Linux Equivalents for Corporate

While googling for linux equivalents yields many results, I thought it was a good idea to jot down a few ideas on what is suitable for corporate rather than for public in general. The below list is based on my experience with products and/or public experiences of others.

I published it here. This is in draft state as i buiild it over a period of time.

Some of the references used for this post include:


Unknown said…
Just saw GIMP listed as an equivalent for MS Paint. That may be a huge overkill. To me, it is a Photoshop equivalent (that is rightly listed in your spreadsheet).

I use KDE so I use KolourPaint for MS Paint type work. I am sure Gnome has a similar equivalent.
Akshay Guleria said…
Agree. GIMP is surely an overkill. gnome-paint and gnu-paint replace MS-Paint completely now. Dont think these were available at the time of writing.